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Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

atasi erorr E 5 pada printer Canon MP145

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gampang aja. . . .. . mau tahu caranya?????

1. matikan printerr trus tekan dan tahan power
2. klik 2 kali tombol stop.
3. kemudian lepaskan tombol stop kemudian klik 4 kali tombol stop
4. kenudian lepaskan tombol power . . .
5. setelah itu biarkan hidup.
6. kemudian matikan printer, lalu hidupkan kembali
7. jadi deh.


1) With the printer powered off but connected to a power source, press the Power button while pressing and holding
the Stop/ Reset button.
2) When the Power is lit, press the Stop/Reset button two times while pressing and holding the Power button.
3) When releasing the Power button and the Stop / Reset button (regardless of order), the printer will move into a
service mode. (Waiting for menu selection)
4) When the on/off lights in green, press the Stop/Reset button the specified number of time(s) according to the
function listed in the table below.(Each time the Stop/Reset button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in
orange and green, starting with orange.)note: press 4 times for waste ink counter reset.

The number of the Reset
button pressing
LED Function Remarks
0 time Green Power off

1 time Orange Service pattern print
2 times Green EEPROM print
3 times Orange EEPROM reset
4 times Green Waste ink counter reset

5) Unplug cable power. (for MP145 / MP150)
6) Turn Off Power. (for MP160)

Error Code :
E2-2 = No paper (ASF)
E3-3 = Paper jam
E4 = No ink
E5-5 = The ink cartridges are not installed or a non-supported ink cartridge is installed, or the ink cartridges are not installed properly
E8 = Waste ink absorber full, or platen waste ink absorber full
E9 = The connected digital camera / video camera does not support Camera Direct Printing
E14 = The Ink cartridges whose destination are wrong
E15 = Ink cartridge is not installed E16 - Ink remaining is unknown
E16 -E19 = Failed to scan head alignment sheet
E22 = Carriage error
E23 = Paper feed error
E24 = Purge unit error
E25 = ASF(cam) sensor error
E26 = Internal temperature rise error
E27 = Waste ink absorber full or platen waste ink absorber full
E28 = Ink cartridge temperature rise error -
E29 = EEPROM error
E33 = Paper feed position error
E35 15 = USB Host VBUD overcurrent error - USB
E37 17 = Abnormal motor driver error
E40 20 = Other hardware error
E42 22 = Scanner error

1. Matikan printer (kabel power masih tercolok), tekan dan tahan tombol STOP/RESET kemudian tekan tombol ON/OFF
2. Tahan tombol ON/OFF, tekan tombol STOP/RESET 2x
3. Lepaskan kedua tombol dan printer akan masuk ke SERVICE MODE
4. Printer akan charging
5. Setelah printer selesai charging, tekan tombol STOP/RESET 4x.
6. Setiap kali tombol STOP/RESET ditekan, lampu ON/OFF akan berubah warna hijau dan oranye.
7. Matikan printer dan cabut kabel POWER.
8. Hidupkan kembali printer

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Reset manual ‘Ink Absorber Full’ untuk pixma MP145 ‘Tested’

Reset manual “Ink Absorber Full” untuk pixma MP145 (Pesan error E27) sebenarnya , cara kerjanya sedikit mirip dengan MP 150 atau MP 160, begini caranya :

- Entering service Mode

1. Matikan printer (pake tombol power, tdk dicabut powernya)
2. Tekan tombol stop / reset (jangan dilepas)
3. Tekan tombol power (sampai led power menyala)
4. Lepas tombol stop/reset, tekan tombol stop/reset 2 kali dan lepas tombol power.
5. Tunggu sampai LED seven segment (bukan led power) menunjuk angka 0 >>> BAGIAN YANG PENTING
6. Tekan tombol stop/reset 4 kali
7. Tekan Tombol power 1 kali (Roller kertas akan berputar, led power berkedip)
8. Tunggu sampai LED berhenti berkedip dan printer stand by
9. Tekan tombol power untuk mematikan printernya dan jika tidak bisa mati cabut kabelnya
10 Nyalakan lagi…

Kalo belum bisa ulangi lagi dari langkah 1, karena saya sudah melakukan tehnik ini berkali-kali dan berhasil semua. Semoga bisa membantu.

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